November 07, 2009

Blog Update

For the time being, this blog is on hiatus, as I am not able to devote much time to it at present. I am still very interested in the issues, and expect to return to this blog in the future. Thank you for visiting!


Tom said...

Sorry to hear that, and looking forward to you returning.

Val said...

I am also sorry, but eagerly await your return!

Kitty said...

Oh darn! So many people are going to miss out on your insane rants!!!

Anonymous said...

What a heartless cruel blog topic. I'm going to guess you have not been through the pain of not being able to conceive with your partner? Well, I have and it is painful and heart-wrenching. And I'll cut to the chase, because I suspect someone who takes the time and effort to create a blog on this topic is not one for sentimentality or feeling (and probably a republican too. funny how you can ALWAYS spot them). My wife and I tried to conceive for years. After that, we tried IVF. Four times and each time a failure. Finally, we tried a donor cycle. It was successful. Our twins are now 3 years old, and wonderfully confident happy kids. There are lots of kids who are adopted who don't know their biological parents. Is that a loss? Of course it is. My wife and I knew that going in and know that the kids will need to know when they are emotionally ready to handle it (a judgment call, who can say if we'll be right...). But overriding that, we knew with certainty that we would love our children with all of our heart and that being a biological parent is only a small part of parenthood. Being there emotionally for your children, nurturing their individuality, loving them and helping them grow. That is more important than the fact that they sprang from your seed.

You are heartless. I hope you find one someday. And for the world's sake, let's hope YOU don't have kids.