January 19, 2007

Another young woman mourns for her surrogate mother

Still not convinced? Here is a recent post on the blog of Sarah, a 19-year-old woman who is the daughter of a surrogate, like Brian in a post below.

A Grief not allowed

I am very sad today, with a grief that is not talked about. It is not allowed. Because I had two loving parents. I am not granted asylum. I am not allowed reprieve. Well...what the fuck are you complainin' about ?? You got everything you wanted. You had so many presents at Christmas and your birthday that it was supposed to buy your happiness. You were supposed to forget about your mother. You had everything. Why would you want more? WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING.

I had everything....everything but my mother. You just can't fix that. Sorry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a nice blog. We all know that surrogate is an option when a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy for some reason. Surrogate mother is special women who help to carries a child for the couples and individuals.For more information, you can visit related website http://www.surrogate360.com/